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March 25, 2025

Ukrainian startups that are confronting hybrid threats from multiple angles

financial times

Russians back Vladimir Putin in blaming Ukraine for concert hall terror attack

More than 75 per cent of respondents considered Putin to be the most reliable or a completely reliable source of information about the attack.

kyiv post

Internet Searches Reveal Russians' True Views About War in Ukraine

Despite government and independent polls in Russia showing support for Putin's war in Ukraine, war-related internet queries tell a different story.

the times

What do Russians really think about the war — and what it means

After years of tension, the West still struggles to understand Russian views. Technological and ethnographic approaches help reveal Russian public opinion.


'Bursts of anxiety': Impact of Ukraine war on Russians laid bare in poll

The more respondents disagree with the government, the less satisfied they are with their lives and the less they believe they can control their own lives.

the times

Who killed Prigozhin — only 8 per cent of Russians say Putin

Most Russians agree or partly agree that Prigozhin's death signals growing elite conflict, indicating they see government involvement.


Opinion: What Russians think of the drone attacks on their country

An overwhelming majority of Russians are aware of the attacks and see them as a threat to Russia. 


What makes Russians support (or at least not oppose) the war?

Older people support Putin for national security and stability they highly value, while youth tend to have a more open-minded worldview.

the guardian

What happens when leaders disregard the truth? Putin and Trump are about to find out

A novel approach to holding Russia accountable for atrocities in Ukraine could ensure that lies and mass murder do not go unpunished.

atlantic council

How strong is Russian public support for the invasion of Ukraine?

While opinion polls indicating pro-war attitude must be treated with caution, there is very little evidence of any active opposition to the invasion in Russia.

wei Warsaw Enterprise Institute

The Angry, the Sad, and the Terrified: How Russians React to Their “Holy” War Against Ukraine?

Respondents are likely to be irritated about the thought that most Russians are, in fact, against the war.

press inquiry

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